Water Purifiation Machine with five-stage filtration using high-tech internet technology.


Stage 1: PP filtration: it can effectively remove all kinds of particle impurities in the water.


Stage 2: Bulk carbon filtration: it has a good adsorption effect, can effectively remove chlorine, odor, color and organic matter in the water.


Stage 3 :Sinter carbon filtration: it can remove heavy metals such as aluminum, mercury, manganese and arsenic from water, inhibit bacterial growth in the water.


Stage 4: PVDF ultra-filtration: it can remove microorganisms, gels, diatoms, and other substances that cause turbidity.


Stage 5 :UV sterilizer: the removal rate of virus and bacteria in water reaches 99.99%, it can reach the standard of drinking water directly.


Users just need to open the DIDA APP on their phones, and they will show the nearest water vending machine in the map.

After arrived at the DIDA water vending machine, users can get the drinking water by scanning the QR Code on the machine.

Users will pay it with their phones, and the fee of the water is very economic.

DIDA WATER VENDING MACHINE target on helping everyone's pure drinking at everywhere.







Copyright 2019-2025,Dida Company Limited.
58th Floor, Hongchang Plaza, 2001 Shennan East Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen.