Analysis of the semi-annual water purifier market in 2019

In the first half of 2019, the water purifier market as a whole showed a weak growth trend, and the industry's growth rate further narrowed. According to the total data of Avi Cloud (AVC), the market size of 2019H1 water purifier was 13.83 billion yuan, up 1.3% year-on-year; the retail volume was 5.024 million units, up 8.6% year-on-year..<Details>


There is a barrel water purifier pain point frequent, no bucket water purifier is expected to open a new era

Based on the pain point of the bucket water purifier, the bucketless water purifier came into being. The water quality is fresh, beautiful, compact, and large flow... The demand for continuous upgrading of consumers has caused the barrelless water purifier to become a...<Details>



Russia's clean water revolution: new technology costs low, no chlorine and ozone
According to the Russian satellite network, Russian scientists have proposed using graphene to disinfect water. In 2010, Russian scholars Andrei Heim and Konstantin Novoselov, who had been in the system..<Details>



Clean water "no" net Super 75% household filter filter hidden danger
The water purifier enters the kitchen space, the original intention is to put a healthy "protective wall" for the family water, so that the family can drink safer and healthier water. However, there are media reports that more than 75% of the home...<Details>



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